Jr Honor Society
First meeting will be: TBD
- Teacher Advisors:
- McCall Hargreaves
- Molly Schladetzky
- Student Advisors:
- Mateo Migliore (Sammamish HS)
Documents & Forms
The National Junior Honor Society is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding middle level students. More than just an honor roll, NJHS serves to honor those students who demonstrate excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, Citizenship and Character.
What are our Values?
One of the values of NJHS is that students are actively involved in their community. Some ideas for service are: church groups, youth theatre, scouting, elementary schools, City of Bellevue youth groups, Humane Society, or Kelsey Creek Farm.
What to Expect?
Students are expected to participate in community service activities (minimum of 10 hours a year), serve as leaders for the school, perform individual volunteer work and maintain their grade point average.
Students can include any service from the start of the school year and some complete community service without realizing it – cleaning up the neighborhood, helping a teacher during tutorial, etc.
How to Apply?
Members are selected in the spring, for the following school year. Membership criteria includes a 3.5 cumulative grade point average, a statement of accomplishments, and 2 recommendations. Application forms are available below. It is the students responsibility to make sure all application materials are turned in on time!
Who can Recommend You?
Recommendations should be based on interactions with the student and completed by an adult such as a youth leader, advisor, coach, teacher, etc. (no parents or relatives, please). Remember you need 2 recommendations!
Timeline of Application for the 2023-24 school year:
Applications & Recommendations due by June 9, 2023
Mandatory 1st Meeting: TBD
NJHS Student Application
NJHS Teacher/Mentor Recommendation Form
Volunteer Opportunities
Northwest Harvest:
- help distribute food to the hungry
- volunteers who are 15 years old/younger need an adult with them
- volunteers 15yrs old and under need an adult
- serves the homeless, low income families, and people with disabilities
Eastside Baby Corner:
- children under 14years of age need an adult
- sort donations
- fulfill orders for children
Bellevue Youth Theatre:
World Vision:
Girl Scouts:
Boy Scouts:
Humane Society:
Kelsey Creek Farm:
City of Bellevue has many opportunities for teens:
Other ways to gain community service experience:
- Volunteer at your elementary school
- Ref at sport games
- Help in senior citizen homes
- Help at lifeguard camps
- Help your neighbors
- Coach local teams