Student Handbook
Tillicum Student Handbook 2024-25
Tillicum Middle School would like to welcome its current and incoming Tigers to the 2024-25 school year. We are delighted to have you on campus and are eager to nurture you in your path toward academic success and in your personal growth! We encourage you to take advantage of the programs and activities that make TMS unique. The purpose of this handbook is to acquaint you with the people, guidelines, and processes that will enhance your time at Tillicum Middle School. **For a complete list of BSD Board Policies, please refer to the BSD website**
Our students, families, and staff work together to build an atmosphere of collaboration, respect, and support. In doing so, we collectively ensure that Tillicum’s legacy of academic and character excellence is upheld.
Welcome to the Tiger CommUNITY!
- Contact Information and Resources
- Academics
- Communication
- Attendance
- Health Clinic and Illness Guidelines
- School Transportation
- After School Activities
- Personal Property & Attire
- Bellevue School District Technology
- Student Citizenship & Conduct Expectations
- Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying
- Other District Policies
Contact Information and Resources
Principal |
Dusty Steere | |
425-456-6700 |
Assistant Principal |
Stephanie Chen | |
206-608-1350 |
Counselor (A-Le) |
Natalie Crow | |
425-456-6712 |
Counselor (Li-Z) |
Chelsea Kearns | |
425-456-6713 |
Office Manager |
Suzanne Murphy | |
425-456-6700 |
AP/Office Support |
Alison Parish | |
425-456-6700 |
Office Support/504 case support |
Jyoti Rasal | |
425-456-6700 |
Attendance Specialist |
Molly Schladetzky | |
425-456-6708 |
Registrar |
Leslie Astudillo | |
425-456-6707 |
Nurse |
Peggy Ruehr | |
425-456-6714 |
REPORT CARDS are issued four times during the school year. Report cards are posted to and may be printed directly from ParentVUE/StudentVUE ParentVUE ( Report cards are mailed home by request approximately one week after the last day of each quarter.
INTERIM PROGRESS REPORTS are issued twice each year at mid second and fourth quarter for students who are struggling academically. Progress reports are mailed home.
SYNERGY FAMILY PORTAL: Students and families will have access to a portal page to see student information, including teachers’ grade books and attendance. This system is intended to serve as a communication tool between the school, student, and parent, not to check a student’s progress daily. Families will also be able to access district forms. ParentVUE (
TUTORIAL is a 30-minute period for extended instruction, make-up work, or quiet work time on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 2:35-3:05 pm. A student is expected to stay in one teacher’s tutorial for the duration of the tutorial period. All rules apply in tutorial as they do in the regular classroom. For example, you must arrive on time at or before 2:40 pm, there are no electronic devices used, and the student will be released at 3:05 pm. Attendance at a tutorial can be initiated by a student, teacher, or parent. Failure to comply with a teacher’s request to attend tutorial may result in disciplinary action.
All students are expected to be honest in completing their assignments, tests, and projects, etc., and to not take credit for any work that does not reflect their own effort and learning. The compliance procedures can be found in the following link: 2025P Copyright Compliance Forms of Academic Dishonesty include (but are not limited to):
1. Cheating on tests – Giving or receiving any assistance, both from human and/or AI on a test or quiz without the teacher's permission.
2. Unauthorized Collaboration – Working with another student on an individual assignment, copying another student’s work, or allowing a student to copy one’s own work without the permission of the teacher.
3. Plagiarism – Using another person’s ideas, words, or work and taking credit for it as your own. This includes copying published materials, internet sources, and the work of other students. It is the responsibility of the student to cite sources of text that do not represent his/her own work.
Consequences of Academic Dishonesty may include (but are not limited to):
a) Parent Contact
b) Loss of credit on test, assignment, or project
c) Referral to Administrator
d) Required completion of an Academic Integrity Course
All BSD School Libraries are now accessible 24/7 through a web browser. Select the Tillicum link.
You may also access Tillicum Library on our HOME page, where you will find links for our library catalog Destiny Discover, how to access research resources and many other features. To log into Destiny Discover, students will use the same username and password used for the school computers. Please note our students have access to databases through their King County Library System (KCLS) student account KCLS LOG IN HELP and with a KCLS library card.
Tillicum administration & staff will communicate to students and families through a variety of methods including TalkingPoints, Synergy Email, Outlook Email and Messenger. We also encourage you to sign up for the Tillicum PTSA email newsletter at Tillicum PTSA. In addition, most questions can be answered by going to the BSD website.
Please remember that students are expected to have cell phones off and away during the school day, except for lunch time. To communicate with your student, please use one of the following options:
· Record and note your students lunch time and communicate with them via cell phone then.
· In the case of an emergency, and you need to contact your student, please contact the school or attendance office.
· During the day, students may request to contact their parents if the need arises.
If a student's phone is confiscated for use during class time, the first offense results in the student
retrieving the phone at the end of the school day. For a second offense, the student's parents must
come to the office to collect the phone. On the third offense, a meeting is held with the student, their
parents, and an administrator to discuss the consequences of inappropriate cellphone use.
Dropped off items will be placed in the front office for students to retrieve during passing periods or after school. These items will generally not be delivered to students in classrooms (except for prescription glasses and BSD issued laptops). Students are prohibited to order takeout food and have it delivered to school. Parents are strongly discouraged to order take out/delivery to school. However, if there are special circumstances, like birthday celebrations, etc, then you must contact the office staff to make arrangements. Balloons, flowers, cakes, and gifts will not be available to students during the school day. These items create distractions to the learning environment and will be held in the main office until the end of the school day. Students may use the office phones to check in with parents if they do not have a cellphone.
To minimize the number of disruptions to the classroom learning environment, notes, or other correspondence to students from parents will generally not be delivered during the school day except in cases of emergency. Emergencies do not include reminders to stay for tutorial or activities, reminders for appointments, reminders to bring instruments home, or arrangements for rides. Please communicate this information to your child before they come to school. Students may use the office phones to check in with parents if they do not have a cellphone.
Like all BSD schools, Tillicum is a closed campus. This means that once students arrive, they must remain on campus until they leave at the end of the school day. This also means that our campus is closed to all non-Tillicum students while school activities and classes are in session – from 7:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Due to our large student population and potential distraction to the learning environment, we are unable to accommodate student guests (i.e., family friends or relatives).
· All visitors including parents must sign in at the Main Office immediately upon arriving on campus. We welcome prearranged visits by outside individuals for educational purposes.
· Parents who wish to visit teachers should first make appointments with the teachers and sign in at the office before proceeding to the classroom.
· For security and safety reasons, should anyone notice an unidentified or unknown person on our campus, please contact a staff member immediately.
We work to provide student schedules based on requested courses and maximum use of our resources. If a student has requested a specific course, he/she will remain in that course, as Tillicum’s schedule was built by student requests. If an error has been made in a student’s schedule such as an incomplete schedule or a repeated course, the student should fill out a Schedule Correction Request Form, available in the main office. Schedules will not be changed for reasons such as changing your mind about a course request, teacher preference, or wanting another lunch period. If students wish to request a schedule change, they should either stop by the counseling office during their lunch period, or e-mail their counselor requesting a time to check-in:
To withdraw a student from school, parents/guardians must contact the school registrar, Leslie Astudillo, at or at 425-456-6707. The student must have the Secondary Withdrawal Slip signed by all their teachers and office staff and return their laptop and books. A locker check will be completed to make sure no personal items are left behind. Any fees or fines must be paid before the student withdrawal is completed.
If it is necessary for a student to be absent, the parent or guardian should immediately call the Tillicum Attendance Specialist, at 425-456-6708. Parents or guardians may also email regarding a student absence. Please direct email correspondence regarding absences to Tillicum’s attendance specialist, Molly Schladetzky, at
A written excuse, email or phone call must be received for each absence, tardy or class missed when the student is off campus. If no reason for the absence is received, the absence will be deemed unexcused. Reasons for absences must fall within the excused absence reasons listed below. Written communication must include the student's first and last name, date, reason for absence, and signature of parent/guardian. Student absences will be considered unexcused unless an excuse note or communication via phone or email is received within two days of the absence.
If a student is absent for two or more days due to illness, a doctor’s note may be required. Please note that school administrators determine whether an absence is excused. Decisions like these will be based on the reason for the absence and the student’s attendance and academic status.
EXCUSED ABSENCES: To be considered excused, an absence must fit into one of the following categories:
· Illness, mental health, or medical emergency,
· family emergency (death or illness in family or another significant emergency),
· established special days on a religious calendar,
· pre-arranged medical or dental appointment,
· legal proceeding or
· pre-arranged school sponsored activity (i.e., fieldtrip).
· A limited number of absences for vacations, travel, family events, sporting competitions or similar reasons not listed in the above list of excused absences may be excused if the student follows the PreArranged Absence procedure below.
Students with excused absences are responsible for talking with their teacher about and completing any missed work or tests. Students who are seriously ill should not come to school. As a Bellevue School District guideline, students with fevers over 100 degrees, diarrhea, or vomiting should remain at home for at least 24 hours after the illness has resolved.
UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: An absence is considered unexcused if it is not set out in the list of excused reasons above. Examples of unexcused absences or tardies include but are not limited to: Oversleeping, missing the bus, not having a ride to school, tardiness, taking care of siblings, family events that are not prearranged, vacations that are not prearranged, prearranged absences exceeding 5 days per year, parent, or sibling appointments, etc. Unexcused absences are subject to WA State Truancy Laws.
PRE-ARRANGED ABSENCES: In order for an absence for parent requested reasons not set out in the excused absence section above, such as, absences for travel, vacation, family events, sports tournaments, music or dance events not school sponsored, etc. to be considered excused, a pre-arranged absence form must be completed at least three school days prior to the absence and turned in to the attendance office. Families are expected to schedule their vacations to coincide with the school calendar. For absences that cannot be prevented, please contact the attendance secretary to arrange for a pre-arranged absence form. Students must arrange with their teachers to complete work missed during their absence. District policies limit prearranged absences to 5 days per school year. Any absences for the reasons listed in this section over 5 days in a year are considered unexcused and subject to state Truancy Laws.
LATE ARRIVALS TO SCHOOL: Students must check in at the Attendance Office upon arriving at school if they are late. To be considered an excused late arrival, the reason must fit into the excused categories listed above. A written excuse, a phone call, or an email from the parent or guardian is required to excuse a late arrival.
LEAVING/RETURNING DURING THE SCHOOL DAY: Parents/guardians are encouraged to make appointments for doctor’s visits and other personal or professional appointments during non-school hours. If it is necessary for a student to leave for an appointment during the school day, parents or guardians should call, email or send in a note early in the day so that students can be called out of class prior to the parent arriving for pick up. Parents and guardians must sign their students out with the Office when leaving campus, and sign students back in if they return before the end of the school day.
EARLY RELEASE: If you need to pick up your student during the school day, please communicate ahead of time with the attendance office, either by phone, e-mail or by sending a note with your student. We will send a pass sent to your student, so they are ready when you arrive. Only persons listed as Guardians or Emergency Contacts over the age of 18 can pick up a student for Early Release. These individuals must show valid ID when picking up a student. Early Release is not available in the last 15 minutes of the school day.
LATE ARRIVALS AND TARDIES: Students must check in at the Attendance Office if they arrive after the bell at 7:45 am. Late arrivals are considered unexcused tardies unless the student has a signed note from a parent stating an excused reason, such as illness, or doctor’s appointment or the Attendance Office has received a phone call or email with the same information. Please note that oversleeping, helping a friend or parent, parent meetings, missing the bus, or traffic do not qualify as excused tardies. Students with unexcused tardies (during an academic quarter) to any class period will result in:
· 1st -3rd unexcused tardies = Warning
· 4th unexcused tardy = Discussion with PBIS specialist to come up with a plan to help student be successful with getting to classes on time. Plans will be emailed to parents and students.
· 6th unexcused tardy = Lunch Detention, student reflection, parent/family contacted.
· 9th unexcused tardy = Conference with Administrator to review previous plan and make adjustments.
· 11th unexcused tardy= After School Detention, student reflection, parent/family contacted.
· 12th unexcused tardy and more = Parent Conference, referral for further consequences such as, but not limited to, escorts to class and lunch time spent in office.
Note: Student must be in seat ready to go when the bell rings to not be considered tardy.
STATE-MANDATED ATTENDANCE AND THE BECCA LAW: Schools are required by law to follow state laws regarding Truancy. This includes sending letters of warning after 3 unexcused absences, meeting with parents to develop attendance plans, and filing petitions with the juvenile court when a student has demonstrated a pattern of truancy. Truancy is determined based on a specific number of unexcused absences or based on an excessive number of excused absences coupled with a detrimental effect on student learning. Schools must report to the courts unexcused absences totaling 7 days in any month or 15 unexcused absences during the school year. Parents will receive notification of unexcused absences and can correct any errors in the attendance record.
Health Clinic and Illness Guidelines
The health room is located behind the attendance office. Students that become ill or injured should check-in with their teacher to obtain a pass to the Health Room. If a student is too ill to attend class, a parent/guardian will be contacted to take them home. Otherwise, the student will be sent back to class when appropriate.
Students who are seriously ill should not come to school. As a Bellevue School District guideline, students with fevers over 100.4 degrees, diarrhea, or vomiting should remain at home. Please refer to the Too Sick for School Info (including COVID exposure/positive test flowchart) document to determine if your student can be sent to school.
MEDICATION AT SCHOOL: If medication (including over-the-counter medicine) is to be taken while at school, written instructions from the prescribing physician and parental permission must be obtained for EACH medication. A medication authorization form is available in the main office or can be downloaded here Authorization form. The form must be completed by a physician and returned/faxed to the school nurse. If more than one medication is to be taken, an authorization form must be submitted for each medication.
All medications will be kept and dispensed (as ordered by the physician) by a designated school employee unless the paperwork for ‘self-administering’ is completed. Prescription and non-prescription medication must be sent in the original pharmacy container. Non-prescription (over the counter) medications must be clearly labeled with the child’s name, dosage, and time to be given. NO MEDICATION (prescription or non-prescription) MAY BE GIVEN WITHOUT A PHYSICIAN’S ORDER. There is to be NO sharing of medications of any kind. Sharing medication is grounds for immediate suspension. Medication policy can be found in the following link: Policy 3416
School Transportation
Students living over 1 mile from the school are provided bus service by the school district. For more information, please contact the district transportation department: (425) 456-4512 or
TAKING A DIFFERENT BUS - If you need to ride a different bus for a day, bring a note from parent to the main office or attendance office by lunch time. The office will stamp the note or will write you a bus pass to be able to ride the different bus for a day. Please note: if the bus is full, only regular passengers will be allowed to ride. Students should be prepared for alternative transportation in this event.
IF YOU NEED TO MAKE A PERMANENT CHANGE, please see the link to the Alternate Bus Stop Request Form at the bottom of the Transportation page: BSD Transportation
BUS ROUTES AND STOPS are available on the District website and can be found below. The School Bus Stop Map is an interactive viewer that allows the input of a student’s address to find the AM/PM and Activity Bus routes available to the individual student. Please remember to choose Tillicum in the top right corner of the map and to toggle the bottom left to AM/PM/Activity depending on the bus information you would like to see:
Violation of school bus rules can create an immediate danger to the health and safety of others. Student conduct on the buses and at the bus stops must reflect good judgment and meet all expectations for Tillicum Middle School students. Students are expected to:
· Cooperate with the driver and comply with all requests and directions.
· Be courteous. Do not use obscene/profane language. Talk quietly.
· Always stay in their seats.
· Keep their head, hands, and feet inside the bus.
· Keep the bus clean. Throw away all litter.
· Cross the street in front of the bus--never behind it.
Students should know that the school bus drivers can assign seats on the bus at any time. If a student misbehaves at the bus stop or on the bus, she/he may be issued a Student Conduct Citation or a bus ticket by the bus driver. If this happens, the following will occur:
· First Citation: The student will have a conference with an Administrator and the consequences of any further student citations will be explained.
· Second Citation: Automatic loss of riding privileges for five (5) school days.
· Third Citation: Automatic loss of riding privileges for thirty (30) school days.
· Fourth Citation: Automatic loss of riding privileges for the remainder of the school year.
· Serious Bus Rule Violation: Any major infraction of the rules or severe inappropriate behavior (insubordination or endangering another passenger) shall result in the immediate suspension of bus riding privileges for the balance of the semester or school year, as determined by the Transportation Department. More information can be found in the following link: Bus Riding Rules – Bellevue School District
After School Activities
All students must be in an adult supervised activity by 2:40 pm (tutorial runs from 2:35-3:05 pm) and must remain in a supervised activity until they leave campus for the day. Students may not leave campus after school (to go to the park, to Phantom Lake Elementary, a friend’s house, etc.) and return to campus to attend an activity, take the activity bus home, or to be picked up by a parent. Students may wait for their ride in front of the school at the following times:
After School – 2:35- 2:45
After Tutorial – 3:05-3:15
After Activities – 4:05-4:10
At all other times, students must be in the building, gym, or field with their teacher or activity advisor.
The right lane (curb) will always be drop-off and pick-up. The left lane is “thru” traffic.
· Cars may drop off utilizing the full length of the drop-off zone.
· Please continue to pull forward to allow as many cars as possible to unload.
o If this is not adhered to, it causes back-up, confusion, and compromises the safety of our students.
· If you need to get out of the car, pull into a parking spot for continued traffic flow.
· DO NOT drop off or pick up students on 160th Ave SE
AM Drop-Off
Please pull forward, do not stop in the middle of the drop-off zone. Students may be dropped off starting at 7:15 AM.
PM Pick Up
Please watch for students crossing. Students need to be pick up no later than:
· 2:35 p.m. for After School pickup
· 3:05 p.m. for After Tutorial pickup
· 4:00 p.m. for After Activities pickup
Tillicum provides an activity bus Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, leaving the school at approximately 4:10 pm. The activity bus makes a general run, not following regular bus routes, through Tillicum’s attendance area. Students may have an alternate bus stop and arrive home later than expected. Students must obtain an activity pass from the supervisor of their afterschool activity to ride the bus. Activity bus route information is available in the main office, and the district website. If the school bus map is used, please remember to choose Tillicum and to toggle the map to ACTIVITY in the bottom left corner.
Activity Routes (PDF) School Bus Stop Map
Time |
At School Options |
Departure Options |
2:35 (not staying for tutorial or activities) |
Students must select one of the departure options and leave campus as soon as possible. Students are not permitted back on campus after leaving. *No students should be waiting outside between 2:45-3:05 pm |
School Bus (leaves at 2:40pm) Walk Home (leave by 2:40pm) Parent Pickup (2:35 – 2:45) |
2:35 – 3:05 pm |
Tutorial (2:35-3:05 pm)
Walk Home (leave by 3:05pm) Parent Pickup (3:05 – 3:15) |
3:05 – 4:00 pm |
Sports (Jubilee Sports & Tillicum Sports) Homework Club (Library) Clubs and other seasonal activities
**Students should not be on campus after school hours. School staff, security, or Bellevue Police may issue “No Trespass” citations |
Activity Bus (leaves at 4:10 pm) Walk Home (leave by 4:05pm) Parent Pickup (by 4:10 pm) |
Final Forms
All students who wish to participate in field trips, sports, and activities/clubs must be registered or updated in FinalForms each school year. Families are encouraged to complete registration forms before the school year begins.
1. Click the link below.
2. Login as a Parent (using your email address)
3. Complete registration
For more information of how to register in FinalForms as well as sports offerings and registration dates for 2023-24 school year, go to:
Middle School athletics are run through either Jubilee REACH or BSD.
- Participation in student clubs and sports requires an annual ASB membership, which can be purchased online or in the Office.
- All Jubilee REACH programs are registered through a MS Forms registration. Jubilee coordinators then load all selected participants into the FinalForms roster for that sport.
ASB Clubs & Activities
- Participation in student clubs and sports requires an annual ASB membership, which can be purchased online or in the Office.
- To be eligible for activities, students must attend tutorial 2:35-3:05pm.
- Clubs are formed in the first few weeks of school and throughout the school year. Interested students and faculty advisors will come together to form the clubs, then they must be approved through the ASB.
- ASB approved clubs will be loaded into FinalForms. If you would like to join a club or activity, your parent/guardian must register you in FinalForms.
Personal Property & Attire
The safest place for electronic equipment is at home. Students who choose to bring telecommunication devices or electronic, such as I-Pads, digital book readers, cameras, Air Pods, smart watches, etc. to school should keep them turned off, out of sight, and on their person. Tillicum is not responsible for recovery of lost or stolen property. Please report the stolen property to the nearest local police. A case number is required for BSD to clear any possible laptop replacement fines.
The intent of the Cell Phone/Telecommunication and personal Electronics policy is to protect instructional time, preserve privacy and teach responsible use of these items. Students are allowed to have personal cell phones and electronics at school under the following conditions:
· Cell Phones. Smart watches, and Electronics must remain turned OFF, and OUT of SIGHT during the school day. This includes passing time between classes.
· Students may appropriately use Cell Phones, Smart watches, and Electronics before school, after school, and during lunch in the commons. Appropriate use includes not taking any pictures or videos at school.
· With the permission of the teacher and for educational purposes, students may use Cell Phones, Smart watches, and Electronics at the teacher’s discretion.
· Students should assume that these devices should not be used unless clearly directed by the teacher in that class period for a specific learning activity.
· Students who do not comply with the Cell Phone, Smart watches, and Electronics policy will have the item confiscated.
· Students are strongly discouraged from bringing expensive models of cell phones, Smart watches, or electronics to school. The only secure place for a cell phone is on the owner’s person, NOT kept in lockers or backpacks.
· All state and local laws, district policies, and school policies apply to the use of cell phones, Smart watches, and electronics. This includes policies on Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying both inside and outside of the school day. Students who violate policy will be subject to disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion.
· All related Bellevue School District Policies and Procedures can be accessed through the Bellevue School District website at under the ‘About Us’ tab then under ‘Board Policy & Procedures.’
Students who have personal cell phones, or electronics on or in sight will be subject to disciplinary action. The following will occur for technology violations:
· First Violation: Phone or Smart watches or music device will be delivered to the main office. Students may pick up the item at the end of the school day from an Administrator/Secretary. An email will be sent home informing parents of 1st violation.
· Second Violation: Phone or Smart watches or music device will be delivered to the main office. Parents will need to pick up the phone/device.
· Third Violation: Phone or Smart watches or music device will be delivered to the main office. Conference set up with Administrator and Parent for the device to be picked up and disciplinary consequences assigned.
All book bags are to be stored in students’ lockers. Backpacks, messenger bags and any other book bags are not allowed in class. This includes the PE locker room.
Students will be assigned to a locker each year. Since the lockers are a part of the building, they are subject to inspection by school administrators at any time per district policy 3230 Please report any problems concerning locks or lockers to the main office promptly. Any changes in locker assignments will be managed by the main office only. It is the student’s responsibility to see their locker is always locked and in order. Students should not share their combination or locker with any other students. Personal items cannot be stored in the main office.
TENSION LOCKS ON LOCKERS: School lockers use tension locks which work differently that the locks most students are accustomed to. The primary difference is that the tension releases opening the lock as the student turns past the final number in the combination.
OTHER COMBINATION LOCKS: Instructions for other combination locks, including those used for gym lockers.
1. Beginning at 0, turn right two complete turns, and stop at your first combination number.
2. Turn left, one whole turn past your first number, and stop at your middle number.
3. Turn right and stop at your last number. Lift the locker handle to open the locker.
4. Please be sure to keep the dial moving in only one direction for each step.
5. If you accidentally move the dial in the wrong direction (even a little), you will need to start over at step one.
All students are expected to dress appropriately for school. BSD Board Procedure 3224 states, “The student and parent/guardian(s) may determine the student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided that the student’s dress and grooming does not: A) Lead school officials to reasonably believe that such dress or grooming will disrupt, interfere with, disturb, or detract from the school environment or activity and/or educational objectives; B) Create a health or other hazard to the student’s safety or to the safety of others.” If the student’s clothing does not follow these guidelines, the student will be asked to make the appropriate changes. The student’s parents will be notified if the student is non-compliant. Corrective action may take place if the behavior continues.
All students are expected to dress appropriately for school. Students wearing inappropriate attire and/or appearance will be referred to the main office. Students dressed inappropriately will be expected to address the concern. More information can be found in the following link:
Students may not ride bicycles, skateboards, scooters, etc. on campus. If brought to school, bicycles must be locked in the bike locker area, and skateboards and scooters must be kept in the student’s locker. Students who ride their skateboard, scooter, or bicycle on campus may have the item confiscated and held in the office pending parent conference.
Plain water, unflavored and uncolored, may be consumed in class unless directed otherwise by the teacher. Food, coffee and sports drinks and other non-water beverages are not allowed outside of the cafeteria unless specific student accommodation is permitted.
Food Delivery Services
Tillicum has many options for students during each meal. Students and families are not permitted to order food from an outside delivery service or restaurant. Tillicum will not accept orders for any student. Students are not permitted to meet a delivery person during school hours.
Chewing gum is not allowed at Tillicum Middle School due to damage to furniture, carpeting, and equipment. Thank you for helping keep our campus clean and looking great! Students that choose to chew gum will receive a warning on first offense. Additional gum chewing may result in detention, classroom clean-up, or other appropriate consequences. Students should not bring gum to school unless it is a specific accommodation within a personalized education plan.
Due to health and safety concerns, laser pointers and aerosols/sprays are not allowed on campus. Students should not bring or apply body sprays (Axe sprays, etc.), colognes, or perfumes anywhere at school including the locker rooms (please use stick, gel, or roll-on deodorants instead). Using aerosols/sprays at school can cause health problems and concerns for many people on our campus (students with Asthma, etc.). If you choose to apply these scents, please do so prior to coming to school. Students choosing to bring any of these prohibited items to school will have the item confiscated.
In some classes, textbooks are provided for all students in the district at no cost. Students are obligated to keep their textbooks in good condition. PLEASE be sure names are written in ink inside the book in case it is misplaced. A fine will be assessed for lost or damaged books. Students with unpaid fines at the end of the school year will not receive their yearbook until their fines are paid.
The Tillicum Middle School Yearbook is issued at the end of the school year. The yearbook features student pictures and highlights of activities over the school year. Student yearbooks can be purchased from the main office through January. After January, yearbooks can only be purchased on a first come basis at the end of the school year. Please note that yearbooks of students with unpaid fines at the end of the year will be held until fines are paid in full.
Bellevue School District Technology
Students are expected to carry laptops in the district issued laptop bag when not in use. Students are expected to fully charge their computer every night, power off the computer through the Windows icon when leaving school and home and use the computer responsibly for educational purposes. The laptops are a valuable tool to the classroom learning environment and students are expected to bring them every day ready to be used, just like textbooks and writing materials. Misuse of the computers and coming unprepared with an uncharged laptop may result in disciplinary consequences.
All students are expected to align technology/laptop use online or otherwise with the BSD Acceptable Use Policy - District Acceptable Use Procedures
Students should keep laptops in good working order. Accidental damage will be covered by the district (unless repeated), negligent accidents may result in a fine, and gross negligence may result in students/families paying for all repairs/replacement. Damage or loss should be reported within 2 days.
· Food and liquid must stay at least 3 feet away from school computers.
· Never put items, even paper, between the screen and the keyboard
· Always keep computers in their case, or other container specifically designed for laptop protection from damage, when not in use.
· Students must follow the acceptable use policy when using the laptop or any school provided technology (including software resources).
· District resources are to be used for academic purposes, especially at school.
· Intentionally bypassing or altering the basic operating procedures of district technology or safety/restrictions is prohibited.
· Installation of unapproved software or apps is prohibited.
· Using district technology to send negative messages in any form can be considered Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying.
Important personal safety issues arise when accessing district computer networks. For this reason, pay attention to the following guidelines:
· Personal information, such as address and telephone numbers, should remain confidential when communicating electronically. Students should never reveal such information without permission from their teacher or other adults.
· Students should never make appointments to meet people in person that they have contacted online without teacher or parent permission.
· Students should notify their teacher or other adults whenever they come across information or messages that are dangerous, inappropriate, or make them feel uncomfortable.
If your computer, stylus or power adapter is lost or damaged, please contact the Tillicum Tech Specialist, at 425-456-6734 for repair or replacement. In accordance with our Laptop & Accessory Damage Guidelines, students are financially responsible for lost or damaged items. Applicable charges will be applied to students’ accounts to replace lost or damaged items.
Student Citizenship & Conduct Expectations
Tillicum Middle School rules and district policies always apply while a student is:
· On school premises (or any Bellevue School District school).
· Using school transportation.
· Participating in school-sponsored activities, both at school and while away from the school grounds.
· Away from school grounds, if conduct would directly affect the school.
TIGERS SHOW COMPASSION: At TMS we treat each other with kindness and respect. Appreciate that we are not all the same and treat others how you would like to be treated. Show compassion and concern when others may be experiencing hardship and reach out to those who may need a little extra help or friendship. Respect everyone’s right to learn in a safe and calm environment!
GUEST TEACHERS: Guest/Substitute Teachers are to be treated with respect. Consider how you would treat a guest in your home – this is how guest teachers at Tillicum should be treated. Students are expected to comply and cooperate with the requests and directions of guest teachers as they would with any staff member or trusted adult.
Assemblies are scheduled at specific times during the school year. Some are more formal in nature (Veteran’s Day Assembly, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Assembly, music performances, etc.) while others are more informal. Students are expected to display appropriate behaviors for each of these assemblies with formal assemblies requiring a dignified and silent atmosphere. Students are expected to enter and leave the gym with their teacher and are expected to sit with their assigned class. Students are expected to walk in an orderly manner when entering and exiting the gym.
Each student must have a hall pass if he/she is out of the classroom at any time during a class period. If a student needs to leave a classroom for any reason, the student must first have permission from the teacher.
Students are expected to take care of restroom and locker needs during passing times. Students will not be allowed to leave classes during the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes of any class period. Please plan and organize your passing times so that you are ready for each of your classes.
Students should stay to the right when in the hallways, when entering and exiting the building, and when using the stairs. Any student involved in inappropriate hallway behavior such as roughhousing, pushing, shoving, kicking, yelling, or binder-checking will be subject to disciplinary action by the nearest teacher and/or referred to an administrator.
Cooperation in the cafeteria is essential to allow everyone to be served his or her lunch quickly and to maintain a positive lunchtime environment. Every student will benefit if the following courtesies are observed:
· Walk at all times.
· Wait patiently in line – one person per dot.
· Select only what you are going to eat.
· Do not make purchases for others.
· Have your money ready when you reach the cashier and know your lunch code number.
· Remain seated while you are eating.
· Clean your table area before leaving your table.
· Throw away all trash, stack your trays, and recycle cans, bottles, and milk cartons.
· When you have finished eating, stay in the cafeteria commons area or go to the basketball courts/field. Limited library passes are available. Food and drinks are NOT allowed on the field.
· Throwing rocks, dirt, berries, pinecones, snowballs, etc. or anything that could potentially harm another student is prohibited.
Overt displays of affection including handholding, kissing, and prolonged hugging are discouraged at school. Students engaged in an inappropriate display of affection will be asked to stop and may be referred to an administrator for possible disciplinary action.
Drugs, drug paraphernalia, alcohol, cigarettes, or tobacco products are not allowed at Tillicum Middle School or any other school. The use, sale, or exchange of these items is illegal and is prohibited at Tillicum Middle School. The unauthorized use, sale, or exchange of medical prescriptions is also prohibited. Students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the Bellevue School District and/or Bellevue Police Department. Bellevue School District Policies and Procedures related to Drug and Alcohol use and possession can be accessed through the Bellevue School District website at under the ‘About Us’ tab then under ‘Board Policy & Procedures.’
All students are expected to comply in a timely manner with the directions and requests of any Tillicum staff member. Failure to comply with requests and directions is a sign of disrespect and will be taken very seriously. Consequences for student non-compliance range from a warning to a suspension.
All wooded areas of the school grounds, tennis courts and parking lots in front, sides and back of the main building are off limits during the school day unless students are involved in a class activity. The gym and locker rooms are also off limits unless a supervisor is present. Phantom Lake Elementary is off limits from 7:30am to 4 pm (M, T, Th, F); 7:30 am to 1:30 pm (W.)
Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying
Harassment or bullying of any kind (verbal, sexual, racial, gender, physical, etc.) and discriminatory harassment will not be tolerated at Tillicum Middle School and should be reported to an adult immediately. Tillicum follows the Bellevue School District and Washington State guidelines regarding harassment and bullying of any kind. Harassment or bullying will result in consequences ranging from a warning and parent conference to immediate in-school suspension or long-term suspension.
We encourage all students to manage conflicts in a reasonable and appropriate manner. Often face-to-face mediation can dispel rumors and dissipate peer pressure that might lead to a fight. Our goal for each year is that Tillicum be a fight-free environment. Consequences: Striking another student may result in a suspension. Striking back constitutes participation in a fight, and therefore, a potential suspension for the non-instigating student. Any future offenses will result in more severe consequences. Bellevue School District Policies and Procedures related to Physical Aggression and fighting can be accessed through the Bellevue School District website at under the ‘About Us’ tab then under ‘Board Policy & Procedures.’
If you are a victim of a physical assault:
· Attempt to block any punches – protect yourself.
· Get away from the situation immediately.
· Seek adult assistance immediately.
Students should not direct sexually oriented actions toward others in comments or names. Touching, rubbing, fondling, or pantsing other students is considered sexual harassment, and will result in a referral to an administrator for disciplinary action which may include suspension.
If a student is experiencing harassment of any kind, it is important for the student to take the following steps:
· Step 1 - The student should communicate to the harasser how he/she feels, and that the behavior needs to stop. This may be done either verbally or in writing. Students then should get support/help from a friend, parent, staff member, or trusted adult.
· Step 2 - If the behavior does not stop, the student should go to a teacher, counselor, or an administrator. The student will be asked to document exactly what happened. It is important that the student be as specific as possible (who, what, when, where, witnesses, your response, harasser response, your feelings, etc.). At this point, the staff member will intervene with the other student. All related Bellevue School District Policies and Procedures can be accessed through the Bellevue School District website at under the ‘About Us’ tab then under ‘Board Policy & Procedures.’
The Bellevue School District (BSD) policies and procedures summarized below deal with Harassment Intimidation and Bullying and Non-Discrimination. Complete policies and procedures can be found in the BSD digital policy and procedure manual found on the District website. The title of each policy and procedure is hyperlinked to the specific policy and procedure.
The District is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, parents/legal guardians, volunteers, and community members that is free from harassment, intimidation, or bullying. “Harassment, intimidation, or bullying” means any intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, mental or physical disability or other distinguishing characteristics, when an act:
A. Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property.
B. Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education.
C. Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or
D. Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
The procedure applies to harassment, intimidation, and bullying targeted at students carried out by other students, employees or third parties involved in school District activities. Because students can experience the continuing effects of off-campus harassment, intimidation, and bullying in the educational setting, the District will consider the effects of off-campus conduct when evaluating whether there is a hostile environment on campus.
Other important information included in the complete procedure (linked above):
1. How to file a report under Policy 3207/Procedure 3207P
2. The District’s responsibility is to contact individuals who report within two days to acknowledge receipt and advise reporters of next steps.
3. Detailed information about the District’s informal and formal resolutions processes
The Bellevue School District makes available Vector Alert, which is a tip reporting system that allows students, staff, and parents to submit safety concerns to our administration four different ways: text, email, phone, and website. Report harassment, intimidation or bullying with Vector Alert .
Nancy Pham is the District’s Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Compliance Officer.
Phone: (425) 456-4040
Mailing address: 12111 NE 1st Street, Bellevue, WA 98005.
Bellevue School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Civil Rights, Racial Discrimination, and Gender Expression or Identity Discrimination:
Civil Rights/Nondiscrimination Compliance Coordinator Nancy Pham, (425) 456-4040 or
Sex-based Discrimination, including Sexual Harassment:
Title IX Coordinator: Jeff Lowell, (425) 456-4010 or
Section 504/ADA Coordinator: Karen Dejong, (425) 456-4144 or
Mailing address for all three: 12111 NE 1st Street, Bellevue, WA 98005
You can report discrimination and discriminatory harassment to any school staff member or to the district's Civil Rights Coordinator, listed above. You also have the right to file a complaint (see below). For a copy of the Bellevue School District’s nondiscrimination policy and procedure, contact your school, district office, or view it online here:
Policy 3210 (Nondiscrimination – Students)
Procedure 3210P (Nondiscrimination – Students)
Policy 5010 (Nondiscrimination - Staff)
Procedure 5010P (Nondiscrimination - Staff)
Students and staff are protected against sexual harassment by anyone in any school program or activity, including on the school campus, on the school bus, or off-campus during a school-sponsored activity.
Sexual harassment is unwelcome behavior or communication that is sexual in nature when:
· A student or employee is led to believe that he or she must submit to unwelcome sexual conduct or communications to gain something in return, such as a grade, a promotion, a place on a sports team, or any educational or employment decision, or
· The conduct substantially interferes with a student's educational performance or creates an intimidating or hostile educational or employment environment.
Examples of Sexual Harassment:
· Pressuring a person for sexual favors
· Unwelcome touching of a sexual nature
· Writing graffiti of a sexual nature
· Distributing sexually explicit texts, e-mails, or pictures
· Making sexual jokes, rumors, or suggestive remarks
· Physical violence, including rape and sexual assault.
You may report sexual harassment to any school staff member or to the district's Title IX Officer, who is listed above. You also have the right to file a complaint (see below). For a copy of your district’s sexual harassment policy and procedure, contact your school or district office, or view it online here:
Policy 3205 (Prohibition of Sexual Harassment – Students)
Procedure 3205P (Prohibition of Sexual Harassment – Students)
Policy 5011 (Prohibition of Sexual Harassment - Staff)
Procedure 5011P (Prohibition of Sexual Harassment - Staff)
If you believe that you or your child have experienced unlawful discrimination, discriminatory harassment, or sexual harassment at school, you have the right to file a complaint.
Before filing a complaint, you can discuss your concerns with your child’s principal or with the school district’s Section 504 Coordinator, Title IX Officer, or Civil Rights Coordinator, who are listed above. This is often the fastest way to revolve your concerns.
Complaint to the School District
Step 1. Write Out Your Complaint
In most cases, complaints must be filed within one year of the date of the incident or conduct that is the subject of the complaint. A complaint must be in writing. Be sure to describe the conduct or incident, explain why you believe discrimination, discriminatory harassment, or sexual harassment has taken place, and describe what actions you believe the district should take to resolve the problem. Send your written complaint—by mail, fax, email, or hand delivery—to the district superintendent or civil rights compliance coordinator.
Step 2: School District Investigates Your Complaint
Once the district receives your written complaint, the coordinator will give you a copy of the complaint procedure and make sure a prompt and thorough investigation takes place. The superintendent or designee will respond to you in writing within thirty (30) calendar days—unless you agree on a different period. If your complaint involves exceptional circumstances that demand a lengthier investigation, the district will notify you in writing to explain why staff need a time extension and the new date for their written response.
Step 3: School District Responds to Your Complaint
In its written response, the district will include a summary of the results of the investigation, a determination of whether the district failed to comply with civil rights laws, notification that you can appeal this determination, and any measures necessary to bring the district into compliance with civil rights laws. Corrective measures will be put into effect within thirty (30) calendar days after this written response—unless you agree to a different period.
If you disagree with the school district’s decision, you may appeal to the Disciplinary Appeals Council (DAC). You must file a notice of appeal in writing to the secretary of the school board within ten (10) calendar days after you received the school district’s response to your complaint. The DAC will schedule a hearing within twenty (20) calendar days after they received your appeal unless you agree on a different timeline. The DAC will send you a written decision within thirty (30) calendar days after the district received your notice of appeal. The DAC’s decision will include information about how to file a complaint with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).
If you do not agree with the school district’s appeal decision, state law provides the option to file a formal complaint with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). This is a separate complaint process that can take place if one of these two conditions has occurred: (1) you have completed the district’s complaint and appeal process, or (2) the district has not followed the complaint and appeal process correctly.
You have twenty (20) calendar days to file a complaint to OSPI from the day you received the decision on your appeal. You can send your written complaint to the Equity and Civil Rights Office at OSPI:
Email: ǀ Fax: 360-664-2967
Mail or hand deliver: PO Box 47200, 600 Washington St. S.E., Olympia, WA 98504-7200
For more information, visit our website, or contact OSPI’s Equity and Civil Rights Office at 360-725-6162/TTY: 360-664-3631 or by e-mail at
Other Discrimination Complaint Options
Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education
206-607-1600 ǀ TDD: 1-800-877-8339 ǀ ǀ OCR Website
Washington State Human Rights Commission
1-800-233-3247 ǀ TTY: 1-800-300-7525 ǀ Human Rights Commission Website
The board believes in fostering an educational environment that is safe and free of discrimination for all students, regardless of gender expression, gender identity, or sex. To that end, the board recognizes the importance of an inclusive approach toward transgender and gender-expansive students with regard to key terms, communication and the use of names and pronouns, student records, confidential health and education information, communication, restroom and locker room use and accessibility, sports and physical education, and other school activities, in order to provide these students with an equal opportunity for learning and achievement.
This policy is a component of the district’s responsibility to create and maintain a safe, civil, respectful, and inclusive learning community. Specific training requirements are included in the accompanying procedure to this policy. The superintendent will appoint a primary contact to serve as the district compliance officer and to receive copies of all formal and informal complaints. The name and contact information for the compliance officer will be communicated and published widely throughout the district. The district compliance officer will participate in at least one mandatory training opportunity offered by OSPI.
This policy and its procedure will support district efforts to provide a safe learning environment by facilitating district compliance with local, state, and federal laws concerning harassment, intimidation, bullying, and discrimination.
Complaints made under this policy and procedure are processed under Policy 3210 and Procedure 3210 (Nondiscrimination), which are summarized above.
Other District Policies
The District is committed to ensuring a safe and productive learning environment in which students are provided every opportunity to learn. To ensure that each and every student has equitable access to educational services and that student behavior does not result in a loss in educational services, the District has eliminated short-term suspensions and provides access to educational services during long-term suspensions and emergency removals. The District is also committed to reducing the disproportional impact of out-of-school suspensions and expulsions on any identifiable group of students including those with disabilities. The District will achieve its commitments by the application of positive behavior supports and principles, while recognizing that there will be times when the application of corrective action is necessary.
Other important information stated in each procedure (linked above):
1. List of Behavioral Violations
2. Requirements of the School for determining and implementing corrective action, including Classroom Exclusions, In-School Suspension, Long-Term Suspensions, Expulsions, Emergency Removals, and Reengagement
3. Parent and Student Grievance/Appeal Rights and Process/Timelines
The Bellevue School District believes that regular school attendance and engagement is essential to student success. Students are expected to attend all assigned classes each day. Students at times may appropriately be absent from class. In the full policy and procedure, linked above, you will find more information about:
1. How to report an absence
2. Definitions of an absence for in-person, synchronous, and asynchronous learning
3. Absences deemed excusable under Washington state law.
4. Districts duties upon chronic absenteeism and unexcused absences
The District’s complaints process is based upon the principle that most issues can and should be resolved at the level the decisions were made. Every effort shall be to resolve concerns and complaints through informal communication. If informal resolution attempts fail to provide an acceptable outcome for the student, then the formal complaint process is available. The district is committed to resolving concerns and complaints about school and district programs, policies, procedures, actions, and decisions of employees in an effective, efficient, and timely manner by initiating the complaint with the person(s) responsible for the program, event, action, or decision.
When addressing informal complaints, the involved parties should:
· Begin the conversation with the acknowledgement that each is operating with the best of intentions.
· Work collaboratively to understand the other’s point of view.
· Work to resolve the concern through conversation before initiating a formal complaint.
When a complaint has not been resolved through informal attempts at resolution, the complainant may initiate a formal complaint, in writing within thirty (30) calendar days of the attempt at informal resolution. Any informal complaint not resolved at the school level is directed to the Office of School Support and must include:
· Detailed statement of the complaint
· Steps taken to address the complaint.
· Suggested resolution(s) to be considered.
The Office of School Support will assign a person responsible to meet with the complainant for understanding the complaint and what resolution(s) has already been considered. This person will provide a written decision addressing the complaint within ten (10) calendar days upon receipt of the complaint. Resolution decisions are final except for appeals to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, other agencies, or the courts, as provided by law.
The Bellevue School District offers a program of interscholastic activities. It is important to remember that while participation in extra-curricular programs is not an entitlement, the district is committed to equitable access to these activities for each and every interested participant.
Included in the policy and procedure linked above is detailed information for those interested in participating in these activities.
The policy and procedure linked above provide detailed information for those interested in participating in these activities.
I. Athletic/Activities Code of Conduct: Details corrective action applied when participants who exhibit any of the behaviors that rise to the level of exceptional misconduct as defined in Policy and Procedure 3241 (Classroom Management, Discipline and Corrective Action), including illegal drug and alcohol usage. Included in this provision is specific information about how this provision is applied to participants, including appeal rights.
II. Attendance Requirement: Details expectations for student athletes and school attendance on days of practices and competitions. Coaches are provided with a daily printout of attendance to ensure their athletes are eligible to practice or compete. In rare, extreme, and extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the student, eligibility to practice or compete may be granted in advance on a case-by-case basis.
III. Grade Point Requirement: Details the district’s Grade Point Average requirement for participation in high school athletics.
IV. WIAA Compliance and Coaches: Explains that high school athletic programs must adhere to Bellevue School District Board of Directors and the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) rules and procedures. Each school is to have procedures in place for selecting adult advisors/coaches; for annually notifying parents and participants of rules, regulations, and expectations in each sport/activity; and for supervising and evaluating coaches/advisors and programs. This provision includes information on how to report a potential violation of district or WIAA rules.
V. Non-WIAA Sports: The Bellevue School District Board of Directors has authorized club sports in Water Polo, Lacrosse, and Girl’s Badminton as “non-WIAA sports” within the meaning of Policy 2151. Students who participate in approved non-WIAA sports must be residents of the Bellevue School District. The Board will not authorize a club sport for a high school where the high school has a WIAA-sanctioned sport or activity.
VI. Athletic Eligibility for Big Picture and International Schools: Students who attend one of the Bellevue School District “choice” schools serving students in grades 9- 12 will maintain athletic eligibility at the comprehensive high school serving the neighborhood in which they reside. Students attending Big Picture School who do not reside in the Bellevue School District are eligible to compete for Sammamish High School. Students who attend International School and do not reside in the Bellevue School District are eligible to compete for Bellevue High School.
VII. Sunday Practices and Competitions: All interscholastic athletic activities must take place between Monday and Saturday; therefore, Sunday practices and competitions are prohibited. Athletic Directors may request an exception to the competition prohibition by making a request in writing to the District Athletics and Activities Director in advance of the competition.
VIII. Program Evaluation: The district conducts an annual review of each program is required to ensure that each program is meeting the goals of the District and the needs of the students. Such reviews must include broad-based input from participants and their families. Each athletic program will conduct a survey of student athletes and parents as a source of data to inform athletic directors and administrators in their annual review and to provide informative feedback to coaching staff.